
Animation  製作過程

reel & animatic
planning drawings ( usually small thumbnails)縮略圖

key position (關鍵幀)  big drawing tell the story, that have to be there
extreme drawings(極端幀) any another drawing the have to be there 能夠交待動作發生順序的畫面
contact drawing 接觸幀

passing positions(過渡幀)

↑planning 設計過的

do several straight ahead runs(逐張動畫)

the primary thing
the seccondary thing
the therary "
"  foueth "
any other....

spontaneous....(i like this word)


創作過程 使用素材

we're using
good key for clarity  為清晰與明確
weight 重量感
to get flexibility 彈性
                       we're using overclapping action(動作重疊)
                       we're using successive breaking the joints 打斷關節強調彈性
accent 強調 body head hand ....

stagger expcsure 抖動
compressin + disitetion 壓縮 + 拉長

different walk and run
we're stressing the difference between thing and people


the most important thing  it  "TEST"

    animation note

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